पशुपति शमशेरको नाति 

वैदेशिक हस्तक्षेप

२००७ साल कात्तिक २१ गतेको बिहान लैनचौरस्थित भारतीय राजदुतावास अगाडी हुँइकिएर दुईटा गाडी आए। एउटा गाडी युवराज महेन्द्रले चलाएका थिए र अर्को गाडी त्यस बखतका देशका राजा स्वयं त्रिभुवनले हाँकेका थिए। नाती ज्ञानेन्द्र बाहेक सम्पूर्ण राजपरिवार गाडीबाट ओर्लियो र भारतीय राजदूतावासको शरणमा पुग्यो। यो खबर चाल पाउने बित्तिकै त्यो बेलाको नेपाल सरकार अर्थात् राणा सरकारले भारतीय राजदुतावासलाई सेनाले घेराबन्दी गर्यो तर भारतको सामरिक र कुटनीतिक शक्तिसामु उनीहरूको केही लागेन।

भोलिपल्ट ४ वर्षका वालक राजकुमार ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई राजा बनाइदिए। अर्को दिन गौचरन विमानस्थलमा दिल्लीबाट दुईवटा हवाइजहाज आए र त्रिभुवन (नाती राजा बाहेक) सम्पूर्ण परिवार सहित भारत गए। उनीहरु त्यो बेलाका भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री जवाहरलाल नेहेरूको पहुना बनेर दिल्लीको हैदराबाद हाउसमा लगभग चार महिना बसे। 

यो घटनाक्रम भन्दा केही महिना अघि भारतमा अध्यन गरेका नेपालीहरु वीपी कोइराला, गणेशमान सिंह, मनमोहन अधिकारी र सुवर्णशमशेरहरुको प्रजातान्त्रिक र राष्ट्रिय काँग्रेस, प्रजा परिषद र कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी सबैले मिलेर राजनीतिक र शैन्य गतिविधिसमेत शुरु गरिसकेका थिए, जसको आधार क्षेत्र सीमावर्ती भारतिय भूभाग नै थियो। कात्तिक २७ गते बीरगन्ज कब्जा भयो, पाल्पाको तानसेनदेखि पूर्वका पहाडहरुमा पनि सरकारी उपस्थिती कमजोर हुँदै थियो। अन्ततः जहानियाँ राणा शासनको केही लागेन- नेहेरूको मध्यस्थतामा त्रिपक्षिय दिल्ली समझौता भयो र राजा त्रिभुवन नेपाल फर्किए। फागुन ७ गते नेपालमा प्रजातन्त्र स्थापना भएको घोषणा भयो।

यो सँगै नेपाली राजनीतिमा वैदेशिक हस्तक्षेपको शुरुवात पनि भयो। 

षडयन्त्र हो कि संयोग, २००६ सालमा मुमा बडामहारानीको बाथ रोगको उपचार गर्न भनेर जर्मन नागरिक एरिका ल्यूखट्याग नेपाल आएकी थिईन। भारतीय राजदूत शुरजीत सिंहसँग पहिलेदेखि नै उनको परिचित थिए। राजा त्रिभुवनको भारतिय कुटनीतिज्ञसँग गोप्य रुपमा सम्पर्क गराउन खेलेको भूमीका उनी आफैंले लेखेको संस्मरण ‘एरिका एण्ड द किंग’ मा उल्लेख गरेकी छिन्। 

राजसंस्थाको पुनर्स्थापनाको पक्षधर नेपालका ‘बुद्धिजीवी’हरूले अघि सार्ने गरेको एउटा तर्क भनेको गणतन्त्रको शुत्रपात २०६२ सालमा गरिएको १२ बुँदे सहमतिले गरेको थियो। त्यो भारतीय भूमिमा भएको थियो, भारतीय मध्यस्थतामा। बिना कुनै जनमतसंग्रह, जनतालाई सोध्दै नसोधी यत्रो ठूलो निर्णय कसरी गर्न पाईन्छ भन्ने उनीहरुको तर्क पनि जायज नै मान्न सकिन्छ।

तर यी दुवै तर्कहरु राणाशासनको अन्त्य र प्रजातन्त्रको स्थापनामा पनि लागू हुन्छन्। अब सामन्तवादबाट प्रजातन्त्र तर्फको यात्रा प्राकृतिकलाई मान्ने हो र राणाशासनको अन्त्य ठीक थियो भन्ने हो भने राजतन्त्रबाट गणतन्त्र तर्फको यात्रा पनि स्वभाविक नै मान्नुपर्ला। जनताको चेतनाको स्तर विकसित हुँदै जाँदा राजनीतिक सर्वोच्चता आम जनतामा निहित हुनुपर्छ भन्ने चाहानु अपबाद होईन।

अमेरिकाको स्वतन्त्रताकोलागि पनि फ्रान्सेली सहयोग, बाङ्लादेशको मुक्तियुद्धमा भारतिय संलग्नता, अलजेरियादेखि कंगोसम्मका अफ्रिकी उपनिवेशहरुको स्वाधिनताकोलागि रुसले गरेको समर्थन महत्वपूर्ण थियो। वैदेशिक सहयोगमा भएका सबै परिवर्तनहरु नराम्रा हुन्छन् भन्ने होइन।

सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक विकासका कुरा

राजा महेन्द्र नेपाली इतिहासमा मलाई मनपर्ने व्यक्ति हुन्। उनले प्रत्यक्षरुपमा देशमा शासन गरेको थोरै समयमा धेरै विकास निर्माणको काम गरेका थिए- सडक, स्कुल र अस्पतालहरु बनाएका थिए। नेपालमा वास्तविक अर्थको भूमिसुधार उनकै पालामा भएको थियो, जसले श्रोत साधनको पहुँचलाई केही समतामुलक बनायो। आधुनिक नेपालको निर्माणको लागि जग उनले हालेका थिए र अहिले देशले जे जति छ प्रगती गरेकोछ, त्यसकै धरातलमा उभिएर गरेकोछ। 

उनको राजनैतिक र कूटनीतिक चातुर्यले गर्दा नेपाल एउटा सार्वभौमिकता भएको देशको रूपमा अविछिन्न रूपमा अस्तित्वमा रहन सकेको पनि हो। त्यो वेला सिक्किम जस्तो भारतमा सम्पूर्णरुपमा विलय नभए पनि भुटानको जस्तो आर्थिक, वैदेशिक र सुरक्षा नीति भारतपरस्त रहने जोखिम थियो- उनले त्यसो हुन दिएनन्। यसको श्रेय राजा महेन्द्रलाई दिनुपर्छ। 

महेन्द्रबाहेक राजा पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले देशको एकीकरणकालागि, राजा त्रिभुवनले प्रजातन्त्रकोलागि, राजा बिरेन्द्रले बहुदलकोलागि र राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रले गणतन्त्र स्थापनाकोलागि आफ्नै किसिमको भूमिका खेलेका थिए। 

राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई संसद बिघटन गरेर निरंकुशता लादेको भन्ने दोष लाग्छ, तर उनलाई हामी जति ठूलो तानशाह भनेर चित्रित गर्छौं उनी त्यती नराम्रा मान्छे भने पक्कै होईनन्। २३९ वर्षको इतिहास बोकेको राजसंस्थालाई उनले निकै सजिलोसँग, ‘जनताको नासो जनतालाई सुम्पिन्छु’ भनेर छोडीदिए। यो उनको महानता हो। विश्वका नयाँ र पूराना उदाहरणहरु हेर्ने हो भने तानशाहहरुले राजगद्दी त्यसै छोड्दैनन्, ठूलो नरसंहारपछि मात्र यो प्राय सम्भव हुन्छ।

राजा महेन्द्रले दिएका केही योगदानहरू राजतन्त्र पुनर्स्थापनाको तर्क हुनसक्छ भने राणाहरुले पनि आफ्नो शासनकालमा गरेका कामहरुलाई बिर्सनु हुँदैन। 

हामी अहिले नक्सामा मात्रै भएपनि देशको गुमेको एउटा चुच्चो फिर्ता ल्याउन सकेकोमा गर्व गर्छौं। जंगबहादुरले सुगौली सन्धिमा नेपालले गुमाएको भूभागको एकतिहाई अंश, बाँके-बर्दिया, कैलाली र कञ्चनपुर फिर्ता ल्याएका थिए। उनलेको पालामा मुलुकी ऐन पहिलोपटक जारी भयो र कानुनी राज्यको विधिवत स्थापना पनि भयो। 

बहुदलको ३२ बर्षमा हामीले २८ पटक प्रधानमन्त्री फेरेछौं। राणा शासनको बेलामा कमसेकम रजनितिक स्थायित्व थियो। चन्द्रशमशेरले तीन दशक राज्य गरेका थिए। सतिप्रथा जस्तो कुसंस्कारलाई अन्त्य गरे, दासहरुलाई उन्मुक्ती दिए, त्रिचन्द्र कलेज खोले, अमलेखगञ्जमा रेल चलाए। मकवानपुर र बारा जोड्न चुरेमा ‘फास्ट ट्रयाक’- सुरुङ्गमार्ग बनाए, रौतहटमा बस्ती बसाए, सिँचाइकालागि नहरहरुको निर्माण गरे। अहिले मुलुकको प्रशासनिक केन्द्र बसेको सिंहदरबार उनैले बनाएका थिए। फर्पिङ्गमा एसिया महादेशकै दोस्रो जलविद्युत केन्द्र स्थापना गरेर एक शताब्दि अघि नै काठ्माण्डौमा बत्ती बालीसकेका थिए। 

राष्ट्रिय पुनर्निमाण प्राधिकरणले अझै आफ्नो काम सनतोषजनक हिसाबले पुरा गर्न सकेको छैन। ‘९० सालको भूँईचालोपछि जुद्दशमशेरले पुनर्निमाण मात्रै गरेनन्, खानेपानी, ढल निकास, वारुणयन्त्रसहितको शहरी विकास पनि गरे। वीर अस्पताल, घण्टाघर, वीरधारा र सफाई अड्डा वीरशमशेरले बनाए, देवशमशेरले दरबार हाई स्कुलमा सर्वसधारणलाई प्रवेश दिए, पत्रिका निकाले। गेहेन्द्र शमशेरले केही नविनतम आविष्कारहरु गरे।

समाजिक र पूर्वाधार निर्माणको फेहेरिस्त हेर्ने हो भने शाहवंशीय राजाहरुले भन्दा धेरै बढि कामहरु राणाहरुले गरेको देखिन्छ। 

आधिकारिक राजा को ?

राजामा बिष्णु हुन्छन् भन्ने कुरा मेरो हजुरवुवाले मान्नुहुन्थ्यो, मलाई त्यसमा विश्वास छैन तर म गलत पनि हुन सक्छु। एकछिनलाई मानौं साच्चै नै श्री विष्णु भगवान अथवा उनको केही अंश देश राम्ररी चलाउन, जनतालाई शासन गर्न राजा बनेर आउँछन्। तर यो मान्यताले एउटा जटिल प्रश्न खडा गर्छ।

पृथ्वीनारायण शाहलाई गोरखनाथले आशिष दिएका थिए तर काठमाडौंका प्रताप मल्ल पनि त तलेजू भवानीसँग बसेर जुवा खेल्थे। झन मल्लकालीन इतिहास ६०० बर्ष लामो छ। शाहवंशीय राजाको पुनर्स्थापना गर्ने हो भने काठमाडौंमा मल्लको र पूर्वमा किरातको किन नगर्ने? हामीले अहिले बिदेशी शक्तिलाई जुन हाउजी भनीठान्छौं, त्यस्तै एउटा छिमेकी लमजुङ्ग देशका राजकुमार द्रवय शाहले ‘झेली’ गरेर लिगलिगकोट जीतेका र पछि गोरखा राज्यको निर्माण गरेका थिए।  कुनै समयको काठमाडौँ, ‘नेपाल’ देशकोलागि गोरखा पनि फेरि बिदेशी शक्ती नै थियो। न भाषा मिल्थ्यो, न चालचलन। अर्थ-राजनीति, संस्कृति सबै फरक थियो। वडा महाराजले काठमाडौँ जित्दा सबै युद्धका नियमहरु पालना गरेका थिए भनेर म भन्न सक्दिन।

इतिहास खैर, जित्नेहरुकै हुन्छ र शाहवंशीय राजाहरूले पराक्रमले नै देश एकीकरण गरेका होलान, तर एकीकरणको २५४ वर्षपछि त्यही संस्थाको पुनर्स्थापनाको लागि एउटा किराँत केटो किन लड्नु पर्ने?

राजतन्त्र बनाम प्रजातन्त्र

२०४४ सालमा भएको साफ च्याम्पियनसिपमा नेपालका म्याराथनमा खेलाडी बैकुण्ठ मानन्धरले स्वर्णपदक जीते।  उनले त्यसबखत राखेको कृतिमान साफ खेलकुदमा अझै तोडिएको छैन। सम्भवतः उनका कुलमा अरु पनि योग्य खेलाडीहरु जन्मिएका होलान्, किनभने शारीरिक सुगठन र चुस्ती केही वंशाणुगत पनि हुन्छ। 

तर हामी आगामी दिनमा हुने दौडहरुमा बैकुण्ठ मानन्धरका छोरा अथवा छोरीलाई सिधै प्रवेश दिदैनौं। उनीहरूले सिधै अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्पर्धामा भाग लिएर पदक जित्ने सम्भावना कम हुन्छ। जिल्लामा छानिएका खेलाडीहरु राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्छन् र सर्वोत्कृष्ट हुनेलाई अन्तराष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगितामा पठाउँछौ। त्यसो गर्दा देशले पदक जित्न सक्ने सम्भावना बढी रहन्छ।

मलाई प्रजातन्त्रप्रति विशेष अनुराग त छैन। प्रजातन्त्रको नाममा मौलाएको विसंगति र विकृती देख्दा, बरु कोही निरंकुश तर निस्वार्थ, बहादुर तर बुद्धिमान शासक भइदिए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने अनायाश सोचेको पनि छु- शायद मेरो कल्पनाका महेन्द्र जस्तो, शायद बीपी जस्तो। तर त्यसो भन्दैमा उनका सन्तान दरसन्तानले देश राम्ररी चलाउन सक्छन् भनेर सोच्नु मुर्खता हो। तपाईलाई मलाई जति मन नपरेपनि, एउटा राम्रो मान्छेलाई चुनिएर आउने र देश चलाउने मौका भनेको प्रजातन्त्रले मात्र दिन्छ। 

कसका लागि ? 

रबिन्द्र मिश्रले आफ्नो भाषण क्रममा पटकपटक भन्ने गर्छन्, मैले यो सब राजाको लागि गरेको होइन। म उनको यो भनाइप्रति सहमत छु। शाहवंशीय राजाहरूको १४ पुस्ताको इतिहासमा कुनै राजा पनि धेरै खुसी र सुखी भएको पाउन सकिदैन। अधिकांशले आफ्नो जिन्दगीको औसत आयु समेत बाँच्न पाएनन् (प्रताप सिंह २६, रणबहादुर ३०, गृवाण १९, पृथ्वी वीर ३०, दिपेन्द्र २९)। रणबहादुर आफ्नो भाईद्वारा काटिए, राजा त्रिभुवन राजा र महेन्द्रको अन्त्य पनि शंकास्पद नै मानिन्छ। सबैका प्यारा राजा बिरेन्द्रको सपरिवार दुखद अन्त्य हाम्रो सम्झनामा ताजै छ। राजेन्द्रले दुईपटक राणाहरुसँग लडेर हारेर, देशबाट भागेर पराजित जिन्दगी बिताए। सुरेन्द्रले छोरा त्रैलोक्यको अस्वभाविक मृत्यू भोग्नुपर्यो। धेरैले त राणाहरुको नजरबन्दमा नै आफ्नो जीन्दगी बिताए। त्यसैले यदि पूर्वराजा र तिनका सन्तानहरुको सुख र खुशी चाहने हो भने यो अभिशप्त प्रोपागाण्डाबाट अलग राख्दा हुन्छ। 

जनताकोलागि त उनले हिजोका दिनसम्म व्यवस्था हैन अवस्था परिवर्तन भन्थे- फेरि पनि व्यवस्था परिवर्तनको रडाँको कसका लागि?

केही सम्भावनाका कुराहरु

एउटा झिनो सम्भावना- यति धेरै राजनीतिक कुसंस्कार देखेर उनले साँच्चीकै ठानेका छन् कि देशका सबै समस्याका समाधानहरुको राजसंस्थाको पुनर्स्थापना गरेर हुन्छ। तर कसरी हुन्छ? उनले त्यसको व्याख्या गरेको मैले सुनेको छैन। 

अर्को सम्भावना अलि प्रबल छ। उनलाई सब थाहा छ- केही फरक पर्नेवाला छैन, राजा आउँदैमा या नआउँदैमा- तर यही नारामा भोट आउन सक्छ। परम्परागत राजनीतिक दलहरुसँग दिक्क भएका जनताहरूको मनोविज्ञान उनले राम्ररी बुझेका छन्।

उनीले आफै पनि र उनका शुभचिन्तकहरुले भन्ने गरेको एउटा लोकप्रिय प्रशंसाको वाक्य छ- रबिन्द्र मिश्रको बाटो गलत होला तर उनले बेइमानी गर्दैनन्, देशप्रति गद्दारी गर्दैनन्। 

वैकल्पिक राजनीतिको एउटा ध्वजावाहक थियो, विवेकशील साझा नामको। स्थानीय निकायको चुनावमा लज्जास्पद हार भएपछि उनी आफूले त राप्रपाको धावनमार्गमा सेफ ल्याण्डिङ गरे तर  वैकल्पिक राजनीतिको यात्रा दुर्घटनामा पर्यो। त्यो बेइमानी होइन? मिलन पाण्डेलगायतले चुनाव अघि नै तपाईले राप्रपासँग गरेको छलफल, सरसल्लाह के हो, केन्द्रिय कमिटिको बैठक डाकेर खुलस्त पार्नुहोस् भन्दा छैन, हैन भनिरहे, आफू इतर समुहलाई पार्टीबाटै निकालिदिए। त्यो धोका हैन? अहिले आफ्नो राजनीतिक अभिष्ट पुरा गर्न देशमा धार्मिक मुद्दा गिजोल्दैछन्। उनको दलको नेता राजेन्द्र लिङ्गदेलले धर्मको नाममा ज्यान दिन र लिन सक्ने भारतका कट्टरपन्थी हिन्दुहरुको मुक्तकण्ठले प्रशंसा गरेका छन्। यो उक्साहट देशप्रतिको गद्दारी होइन?

उनको व्यक्तिगत कदमले विवेकशील साझासँग जोडिएका युवाहरूलाई कति ठूलो राजनीतिक क्षति पुगेको छ, त्यसको विश्लेषण उनकोलागि अहिले भोट माग्दै हिडेका साथीहरुले कुनैदिन स्वयं गर्लान। 

र अर्को सम्भावना भनेको, म आफै गलत हुनसक्छु सम्पूर्णरूपमा। मेरा यी सब तर्कहरू बेकारका होलान्। यदि त्यसो हो भने, ‘बदलिँदो अन्तराष्ट्रिय भूराजनीतिक जटिलताको भुमरीबाट देशलाई बचाउन’ राजाले मात्रै सक्ने हो भने, संसदले बाँधेको संवैधानिक राजसंस्था मागेर काम छैन, प्रत्यक्ष कार्यकारी राजा माग्नुपर्छ। राजनीतिक दलहरु यदि सबै समस्याका जडहरु हुन् भने गैरदलिय व्यवसथा ल्याउनु पर्छ। त्यतिले पनि पुग्दैन भने पशुपति शमशेरको नाति खोजौ।

Image Source: historylessonsnepal.blogspot

Letter to Bernie Sanders


Dear Bernie,

Two years ago, even before you announced candidacy for the president of United States of America, I lived in a little village of western Nepal, where I shared kitchen with a Peace Corps volunteer from your country. I explained to him why I felt lucky to have been born in Nepal, as ours is a country still in making and our opinions and actions can make a difference in shaping its future. Unlike USA, where a system already in existence is so concrete and rigged that it is impossible for a common man’s voice to be heard.

Rigged in a sense that elections, federal or presidential, cost lots of money and are paid for by the groups with special interests. These groups, who represent the top ten percent of America’s economy, who are worth as much as bottom ninety percent, have such a favorable system in place that they get richer everyday while ordinary people struggle to place decent meals in their plates, let alone affordable healthcare or higher education for their children. Most of the new income goes into the pockets of top one percent. Fifty percent of those that manage to go to colleges come out in heavy debts. Out of three black kids, one has a lifetime chance of getting into prison. Veterans do not get basic health services.

Wall Street that helped create the financial crisis of 2008 was bailed out by taxpayer’s money, because it was ‘too big’ to fail. Only that it emerged through the crisis 8o percent bigger, while millions of Americans lost their jobs and houses. Because Wall Street contributes hefty in election campaigns. So do fracking fossil fuel companies and climate change becomes a nonissue. NRA pays, so they do not talk about gun control. Pharmaceuticals are okay to sell drugs at prices hundreds times higher than production cost. Corporations can outsource works, evade taxes, and underpay. As long as they donate to the super PACs.

I did not believe there was a maikelaal who could challenge such a sophisticated system.

But you proved me wrong. A rare social democrat, you have managed to contest this nomination depending entirely on the money raised through individual donations, from person to person. Who could be voice of a common man, if not you?

At 71, you are the oldest candidate ever to stand in US presidential elections, ironically the one with most progressive, borderline radical, ideas. And this has appealed to the younger population, so much that you have won the majority of votes of people aged 45 or younger, in every state contested. This is a big leap from generation who grew up reading ‘Animal Farm’ in their high schools. Now they have flirted with the idea of socialism.

A Jew that can criticize Israel

Jews are the most persecuted community throughout history. But Israel’s recent responses to Palestinian aggression have been way too disproportionate. Killing hundreds of children in Gaza, destroying schools and hospitals to retaliate misfiring Hamas rockets is not fair. Most US politicians see this as Israel’s right to defend itself, but you call spade a spade. Treating Palestinians right, with respect and dignity is the primary step in attempting to solve this chronic conflict.

Why do I care?

Why do I care if Trump builds walls or Bernie makes bridges?

I see things happening in this world that are beyond my comprehension. Hundreds of girls get kidnapped in Nigeria, we can’t do a thing about it. I don’t understand, why. Why can’t we stop thousands of European fighters, the likes of Big Johh from flocking to Middle East for Jihad, or stop them from coming back with terrorist intents and skills? Why thousands from North Africa embark a treacherous journey to Europe in little boats, to drown, to end up in destitute camps in places they are not welcome, or simply get sent back? Why can’t we make their homelands safer and livable?

Proxy wars between big nations fought in poorer countries, cost hundreds of lives every day, unmourned and unnoticed, while we je suis Charlie in most poignant way, is in itself very poignant. European and American lives should not be worth more than that of a Syrian, or a Rohinga, or a Libiyan.

The burden of world peace lies in the shoulders of world leaders. Now the time has come when these leaders of conflicting interests sit down together and make a commitment on common values, not necessarily democratic, but based on principles of humanity and fairness. And actively pursue those agenda- strategically or militarily. We have to dismantle wrong governments, belligerent groups and radicals, who have thrived on conflicts. Terrorists may hide and run but what about the factories that make weapons?

In response to the recent Orlando shooting, you said it was more of a problem with lack of gun control, than radical Islam. I totally agree. Applying same logic, modern terrorism is more a consequence of easy and perpetual availability of weapons of war than religious fanaticism.

Changes do not come from barrel of guns

My country had a decade long civil war, bloody and devastating at many levels. It was for a change, they said but we live essentially the same life. Same crooked leaders, and same crappy living situation.

We saw Arab spring. From Tunisia to Libiya to Egypt to Syria. These recent conflicts have made lives much more miserable for the people than it was already.

But you have started a revolution in USA, effectively challenged the establishment and proved that voice of a common man can be heard, without hurting a soul. Changes come when educated, young people decide that the existing system is not working and not destroy it by force or conflict but by simply challenging it and forcing it to change. That seems like a very good idea. Lets call it Bernism.

Hillary Clinton would not do very bad as a president herself, now that she has engaged herself in the dialogues of equality and righteousness. But she when it came to the question of minimum wage, she was happy with 12 dollars an hour. You demanded 15. That sums up the difference.

Dr. Chirayu Regmi,

MD, Internal Medicine

On Revolutionary Medicine



The life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth.’ Che Guevara, 1960.

Upon being hit by jet liners in the terrorist attack of 9/11 the Twin Towers of New York City collapsed and turned into rumbles within minutes. Thousands of people were buried inside. Brave American men, fire fighters, first responders along with many civilians volunteered to help, amid lots of smoke, dust and pain.  As a consequence of unprotected exposure to pollutants and trauma, many of those who volunteered developed a variety of respiratory illnesses ranging from pulmonary fibrosis to cancer. Many had psychological terrors like PTSD. When they sought for healthcare in American hospitals, they were denied such, as their insurance did not cover the deliberate exposure of oneself to hazardous conditions. Paying on your own is way too expensive.

As depicted on a documentary called Sicko by Michael Moore, some of these patients sail on speedboats to reach Havana, Cuba, where they receive free checkups, treatment and plenty of medicines to take back home.

Even if we doubt the facts laid by Moore, there is one thing we can all agree upon- though highly sophisticated, the capitalist-styled profitable healthcare system of USA is non universal and thus, a non-existence to many of its own citizens.

Cold war is over. Capitalists have emerged victorious in all but one front- provision of free and high quality essential services to all, like police service for security, emergency responders for fires or any other calamities, health and education. Yes, I deliberately put doctors, teachers, firemen and policemen in the same context, because as much as it is the responsibility of the government for the peace and security of its citizens, it is, for universal health and public education. There can be another discourse on education. This time we talk about health.

Driving around Kathmandu, I see many hoarding boards of private clinics and hospitals. They advertise of services and make promises- like a fairness cream would promise a glow. Such an utter commercialization of health care- it breaks my heart. If you delve in deeper, you can realize the ugliness behind posh medical facade. There are many private hospitals in the city with ‘marketing officers’, whose sole duty is to call ambulance drivers to negotiate commissions for bringing a critically ill patient to them, which is often as high as 4000 rupees. Imagine the size of the bill on discharge.

Poor patients are often denied proper medical care. Every other day some newspaper runs an impromptu piece on how a patient died due to a doctor’s negligence and hospital got vandalized. How government hospitals are understaffed and unclean. And about corruption in purchase of life saving drugs like misoprostol.

But all these examples represent merely the tip of an iceberg. Everything that is wrong with existing health care system is due to chronic lack of vision and planning in making of health care workers, doctors and dispatching them for duty.


Making of a doctor

Despite being a profession underpaid and overworked, exploited and allegedly, mundane- our society fancies in their sons and daughters becoming doctors. With dull economy, a medical job might look more secure than other things, so there are many who want to become doctors- which is not bad at all- so many people signing up for a service oriented profession like this. But there’s a catch- we don’t have proper medical education system in our country. We have just one government medical college providing about 40 undergraduate scholarship seats, and rest of the private or semi private institutions serve the desires of aspiring doctors, but in a very high price. It costs at least 4 million to become a MBBS doctor. The prospect is as grim for post graduation studies. Scholarship seats are so few, an aspiring doctor has to either provide his service elsewhere like USA or Australia or pay as high as 10 million or even more to specialize.

Medical education should be free, and to the deserving students. Because the profession is such- where you work really hard through med school and the whole life; where study and work are lifelong priorities; subduing personal comforts or family life; where you skip meals or sleeps for strangers called patients.

The irony is, society expects doctors to invest like a businessmen and serve like a clergyman. It simply cannot happen.

Prof. Dr. Govinda K.C led a fast unto death against such a system, a part of it. Motive behind was to make post graduation scholarships available and of high standards. But despite medical doctors all over the country striking for several days, it could not bring anything tangible. It is because neither our brotherly organization NMA nor governing body NMC has realized impending failure of the system. Or even if they do, they are too happy to complain with the commissions provided by private colleges. But I am not. I worry for the moment when someone in my family gets ill and needs a sophisticated medical care. USA or Singapore or Delhi is beyond everyone’s reach. We have to improve our system and survive here.


Where does all the health budget go?

Yes, we do get an ample amount of budget for health care. This covers the salaries of government medical staffs, which they receive for attendance at their institution, and their bhattas which they receive for doing everything else. That is okay, in light of meager salary they obtain for such a hard work (which indeed is, if they work as per norms and needs). But a big chunk of it is wasted through a syndicate of NGO/INGOs with collaboration of health bureaucrats especially during June/July, at the closure of fiscal year- in programs and projects hurriedly planned and carelessly executed. Global Fund provides huge financial support to the government to be spent through partner organizations, and they work- mostly on paper and reports. With most of the aid bearing managerial cost of the projects, they fail to bring any tangible change. To improve overall health of the people, to reach the goal of ‘Health for all’ as we signed in Alma Ata in 1978, all this money should instead be used in establishing a proper health education system in the country, so we can have skilled and willing-to-serve human resource. After all, we cannot depend on foreign aids for the health of our people.


How to solve?

A scientific and sufficient health service delivery system, reaching people.

A medical education system to teach, train and produce doctors, nurses and other paramedical staffs.

We have 3600 VDCs in the country. Each VDC has a Health Post, the basic unit of our health organogram. It should have a Health Assistant incharge, with 2 AHWs. Co-existing birthing center should have a staff nurse with 2 ANMs. At next level is a Primary Health Center covering an electoral constituency, which we have 240. Since it provides OPD services to a larger number of and referred cases from Health Posts, in-patient along with 24 hours emergency services, it should have 3 medical officers (doctors) with 2 HA and 5 AHW. Birthing center at this level should have a nurse with Bachelor’s degree, with 2 staff nurses and 5 ANM. PHC will also be overseeing all the community level preventive health programs like immunization, infant care, hygiene etc, rendering NGO led activities redundant. It will be a cost cutting measure in long run.

Each district hospital should be able to treat 80 percent of the cases. After all, it is a health center for the whole district. It should have a double team of consultants (there should be at least two of medicine specialists, gynecologists, surgeons etc) so that one of them can be available all the time; nobody can work 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, thus. It should have a team of 6 medical officers and other paramedical staffs in proportional ratio.

Zonal hospitals should become tertiary centers; teaching hospitals. With ICU, CCU and higher specialists, it should be able to solve 90 percent of the cases. It will have highest flow of the patients, highest concentration of doctors, labs and everything. Since lack of free medical education is a core issue, each of these 14 zonal hospitals will have excellent medical schools, providing 50 scholarship seats for undergraduate studies every year (a total of 700!), to deserving candidates- irrespective of caste, sex, or hometown- but based purely on merit- for we want the best to become doctors and deal with our life and sickness, not the lesser competent.

Such academic centers will not only produce free education to aspiring doctors and nurses but also vacancies for professors- who will now be available at zonal levels. They will mentor post graduate students. With two PG seats in each faculty (including both clinical subjects like medicine, surgery and basic sciences like anatomy, pathology etc)- we will be producing about 30 specialist doctors from every zonal center.  Multiply that with 14 teaching hospitals- we will be providing higher medical education to more than 400 doctors every year, which is a great leap from existing 40. With residents to work round the clock in such hospitals providing meticulous care to patients, service quality will greatly improve and upon graduation they will serve at district hospitals, replacing the consultants who will now become a faculty at zonal teaching hospital. Not only will there be a constant production of medical graduates and specialists, there will be a system of service at all levels, as a clinician and as a teacher- and a timely retirement.


With highly sophisticated zonal centers, we would not need the namesake sub regional hospitals. Regional centers will take care of all unsolved cases. Here, professorships will be awarded to consultants, and higher specialization courses will be offered. It will also be the center for skill based trainings and research- where we will invent and devise ideas to revolutionize medical science, provide something to humanity. There will be government pharmaceuticals producing high quality drugs and these medicines will be provided for free- just like medical care would be.

Further, some highly populated districts can have two or three district-level hospitals of equal stratum and formation, each one of them responsible to zonal centers. Big cities can have a couple more; in addition to specialized centers for trauma, heart, kidney etc. But this new plan will discourage people to cluster around cities, since (availability of) health facility is one of the reasons why people migrate.

One might ask, what will be the role of private hospitals and medical colleges, then? They should be graciously thanked for the service they provided when there was none, and asked to seek business elsewhere, for healthcare is not a business and it should be free, for all.

The system as it is, is already a mess and on the verge of a breakdown. If we really want the state of affairs to improve, we- the people, the doctors, the clients, the stake holders should do more than just lament or charity. We need to work on similar plans and preserve to the realisation.

This whole idea might appear audacious to many. I would like to quote Che again, ‘At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feelings of love.’


Dr. Chirayu Regmi

(who is doing his part at a primary health center in Shrigaun, Dang)










ब्रिहत बाम एकता


रोवटले आफ्नो महाधिवेशन उद्घाटन गरेको एमालेले पार्शब पोष्टरबाट माक्र्स र लेनिनलाई हटायो । अहिले नीतिबाट साम्यवाद हटाउने कुरा गर्दैछ ।

दोस्रो विश्वयुद्धताकाका प्रभावशाली बेलायती प्रधानमन्त्री विन्सटन चर्चिलले भनेका थिए– तिमी बीस वर्षको हु‘दा तिमी यदि कम्युनिष्ट छैनौ भने तिम्रो मुटु छैन र तिमी चालीस पुग्दा पनि तिमी अझै कम्युनिष्ट छौ भने तिम्रो बुद्धि छैन । अर्थात् साम्यवादी सोच र चेतना भावनाको कुरा हो । मान्छे–मान्छेबीचको असमानतालाई देखेर समताको खोजीमा तल्लीन र बिह्वल हुने भावना । भावना मान्छेमा हुन्छ, मान्छे भित्रको स्पन्दनमा । आधुनिकताको आवरणमा रोवटले महाधिवेशनको उद्घाटन गरेर एमालेले भावनात्मक शून्यताको सांकेतिक सम्पे्रेषण पनि गरिसक्यो । तर यो सैद्धान्तिक विचलन मात्र होइन, राजनीतिक मुर्खता पनि हो ।

कार्ल माक्र्सले कुनै पनि समाजको विकासक्रमलाई पॉच कालखण्डमा बॉडेका छन् –(१) घुमन्ते फिरन्ते गुफामा बस्ने, शिकार गर्ने र बॉच्नका लागि मात्र बॉच्ने पशुवत तर स्वतन्त्र आदिम युग, (२) राजा रजौटालाई गरिवपरवर भन्दै आफ्नो दासत्वलाई निर्बिरोध स्वीकारेको दास युग (३) सामन्तवाद (४) प‘ूजीवाद र (५) समाजवाद । हामी अझै बाउबाजेका टुक्रा टुक्रा खेत बिर्तामा पाउ‘छौ र त्यसैलाई अधियामा लगाउ‘छौं । हामी साना–साना तर अझ सामन्तवादी छौं, जहॉ कामको मूल्य छैन या निकै कम छ । अझै पुख्र्यौली सम्पत्ति या धन जो पहिल्यैदेखि छ, त्यसकै महत्व छ र हामी त्यसैमा आश्रित छौं । हाम्रो लागि काम गरिदिने अरु कोही छ या अरबमा कमाएको पैसाले हाम्रो खेत कसैले किनिदिन्छ र त्यही पैसाले हामीलाई पुग्छ । पढ्नुपरेको छैन, खासै काम गर्नुपरेको छैन । हाम्रो देशमा सर्वहारा (नभएकाहरु) र बुर्जुवा (भएकाहरु) उस्तै उस्तै छन् । नभएकाहरु केही गरेर खान्छन्, भएकाहरु केही नगरी खान्छन् । तर त्यही खान्छन् । खान्छन्, अर्थात देशमा उपलब्ध शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, सुरक्षा, आवासलगायतका सुविधाहरुको उपयोग गर्छन् । तर देशमा अर्थतन्त्रको कुनै भरपर्दो आधार छैन ।

पु‘जीवादको पूर्वसर्त के हो भने यस संरचनामा कुनै उद्योग व्यवसाय हुनुपर्छ । समग्र देशको अर्थतन्त्रलाई प्रभावित गर्ने बृहत्तर व्यवसाय हुनुपर्छ । त्यसमा ‘भएका’हरुले पू‘जीको लगानी गर्छन् । वस्तुको उत्पादन गर्छन र त्यसलाई बजारमा लगेर बेच्छन् । उनीहरु काम गर्ने श्रमिकहरुलाई तलब सुविधा पनि दिन्छन्, तर त्यो पारिश्रमिक बजारको मूल्यको सानो अंश मात्र हुन्छ । आफैले उत्पादन गरेको वस्तुको केवल ज्याला मात्र प्रप्त गरेर मजदुर, त्यही र त्यस्तै किसिमका सामानहरु चर्को मूल्यमा किन्न बाध्य हुन्छ । अर्कातिर लगानीकर्ता, त्यही लगानीकै बलमा राम्रो नाफा कमाउ‘छ, धेरै क्रियाशीलता या मेहनतबीना । यो नाफा लगानीकर्ताले गरेको व्यवस्थापकीय सेवाबापत पाउने ज्याला नभई प्रारम्भिक पु‘जीको प्रतिफल हो । मजदुरको मिहेनत, किसानको बरकतले भन्दा पु‘जीपतिको पेवाले बढी प्राथमिकता र पुरस्कार पाउ‘छ,  तब धनी झन्झन् धनी बन्दै जान्छन् र गरिब झन्झन् गरिब । काम र कमाइको कुनै तालमेल रह‘दैन । तब संघर्ष हुन्छ, घर्षण हुन्छ यी दुई वर्गको । र अन्त्यमा निर्माण हुन्छ वर्गरहित समाजको । त्यसैको परिकल्पनालाई र योजनालाई भन्दछन्, साम्यवाद ।


एउटा परिवारमा श्रीमानले कमाउ‘छ, श्रीमतीले पनि सकेको काम गर्छिन्, कमाउछिन् र खानाको पनि व्यवस्था गर्छिन् । त्यो परिवारमा साना केटोकेटी र बुढा आमा बाबुले कमाउन नसक्लान् । तर जसले कमाउ‘छ उसले आफूले सकेको जति काम गर्छ र आफ्नो परिवारमा आश्रित सदस्यहरुको सबै आवश्यकताहरु पूरा गर्छ । समाजवादले त्यही समुदायको परिकल्पना गर्छ जहॉ एउटा ठूलो सुखी परिवारमा जस्तै सबैले सकेको जति काम गर्छन् र सबैले आफ्नो आवश्यकताअनुसारको स्रोत र सुविधाको उपयोग पनि गर्छन् । यहॉ लोभ हु‘दैन, धन थुपार्ने लालसा हु‘दैन, अभाव हु‘दैन, अन्याय हु‘दैन र कुनै किसिमको विभेद हु‘दैन ।


नेकपा माओवादीको रक्तरञ्जित जनयुद्धको उद्देश्य सामन्तवादको यथास्थितिबाट छलाङ्ग मारेर सोझै समाजवादमा प्रवेश गर्ने थियो । तर बामे नसरी दौड्न खोजेको शिशु जसरी पछारिन्छ, असमयमा गरिएको अपरिपक्व आन्दोलन स्खलित भयो र उसले पनि आज कांग्रेस, एमालेले जस्तै सत्ताको राजनीति गर्दैछ । दलीय राजनीतिलाई माक्र्सले निषेध गरेका छैनन् । हामी त्यही प्रश्नहरुको मात्र जवाफ दिन सक्छौ, जो इतिहासले हामीलाई सोधेको छ – तीन शताब्दी अघिको उनको दास क्यापिटलले अहिलेको परिवर्तित विश्व सन्दर्भको प्रत्येक प्रश्नहरुको जवाफ दिन नसक्ला । त्यसैले समयानुकूल दलीय राजनीति गर्नु, प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्नु ग्राह्य मात्र होइन सही पनि हो । तर धर्मलाई समाजको अफिम हो, यसले मान्छेमा विखण्डन र वितृष्णा निम्त्याउ‘छ भनेर नास्तिक बन्ने कम्युनिष्टहरुले सस्तो लोकप्रियताका खातिर जातजातिका नाममा, सम्प्रदायको आधारमा संघीयस्वरुपको परिकल्पना गर्नु पनि कम्युनिष्ट दर्शनप्रतिको घोर अनादर हो । अहिले राष्ट्रियस्तरमै निस्वार्थ र सक्षम नेताहरुको अभाव छ । यो अवस्थामा यदि संघीयता आयो भने पनि राज्यहरुको ठेक्का, बगरका ढुंगा ठेक्कामा लिने ठेकेदारहरुले लिने छन् र राजनीतिक कुशलता एवं आर्थिक संयन्त्रको अनुपस्थितिमा ती साना–साना संघीय राज्यहरु असफल हुनेछन् । दक्षिणतिरका राज्यहरुले बिद्रोह गर्नेछन्, स्वाधिनताको जिकिर गर्ने छन् र युक्रेनबाट क्रिमिया छुट्टिएजस्तै छुट्टिनेछन् । कर्मशील, शिक्षित नेपालीहरु कि चुपचाप जागिर खान्छन् कि विदेश जान्छन् । देश जसको जिम्मामा छ, तिनमा देश बनाउने न त खुबी छ न इच्छाशक्ति ।


समाजवादको सबैभन्दा ठूलो दुश्मन पू‘जीवाद होइन, न त विस्तारवाद । यसको ठूलो अपराधी भनेको समाजवादको नाममा राजनीति गर्ने तर आफ्नो निहीत स्वार्थमा मस्त हुने कम्युनिष्ट भनाउ‘दा नेताहरु हुन् । परोक्ष र प्रत्यक्षरुपमा सधै सत्ताका नजिक भएर पनि एमाले, माओवादीलगायतका शीर्ष दलहरुले हाम्रो जीवनस्तरमा खासै परिवर्तन ल्याउन सकेनन् । सबैका लागि शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यको नीति छ तर सरकारी विद्यालय र अस्पतालहरु संरक्षण र सुपरिवेक्षणको  अभवमा असफल छन् र निजीले प्रश्रय पाएका छन् । भूमिसुधार भएकै छैन, खेतवारीहरु बॉझो र अनुत्पादक छन् । कामको मूल्यलाई उच्च कदर गर्ने भने पनि निकै संस्तोमा हाम्रा जनता विदेशमा श्रम गर्न जान्छन् । देशमा न उद्योगधन्दा छ न अन्य कुनै आर्थिक क्रियाशीलता । न आर्थिक विकासलाई टेवा दिने गरेर पूर्वाधारहरु–बिजुली, सडक, रेल, सामुदायिक कृषि या सीप विकास नै भएको छ । बरु बिर्सिदै जाने र एकीकृत हुनुपर्ने जातजातिजस्ता बिखण्डनका पर्यायहरुलाई दातृ संस्थाहरुको सहयोगमा ब्यु‘ताइदैछ र त्यसैमा गरिदै छ, राजनीति ।


यथास्थितिस‘ग निराश र असन्तुष्ट वर्गले विद्रोह गर्छ र प्राकृतिक प्रवाहमा त्यो विद्रोह समाजवादको दिशातिर उन्मुख हुन्छ । यसर्थमा ०७ सालमा विपिले नेतृत्व गरेको राणाशाहीबिरुद्धको विप्लप, ०४६ सालको तानाशाही खिलापको जनआन्दोलन र ०६३ को राजाबिरुद्धको आन्दोलन सबैले समानताको शिखा समातेका थिए । पटकपटकका यस्ता विद्रोह र माओवादी जनयुद्धको प्रभावले पनि शायद विश्वका प्रजातान्त्रिक मुलुकहरुमध्ये सबैभन्दा बढी नेपाली जनतामा कम्युनिष्ट चेतना र सहानुभूति छ । त्यसैले प्रत्येक चुनावमा कम्युनिष्ट भोट बढी खस्छ, तर कम्युनिष्टहरु कहिले एमाले र माले बनेर हार्छन्, कहिले एमाले र माओवादी बनेर हार्छन् । समान विचारधारा बोकेका यी दुई दल एक अर्कालाई भन्दा दक्षिणपन्थी दललाई नजिक ठान्छन् र कार्यगत एकता गर्छन् । आफ्नै नेतृत्वपंक्तिमा झगडा गर्छन् । फुटछन् र हार्छन् । अनि सर्वाधिकार अरुलाई सुम्पिन्छन् । दोष नेताहरुको हो– जसले जनता र सिद्धान्तका पछि लागेका कार्यकर्ताको भावनाप्रति न्याय गर्न सकेका छैनन् ।तर यो वाम  उर्जा र उद्वेगलाई एकाकार गरेर नेपाली कम्युनिष्ट आन्दोलनको नेतृत्व यदि कसैले गर्छ भने पथभ्रष्ट, विमुख र विचलित भएका साना ठूला सबै दलहरु त्यही प्रवाहमा समाहित हुनेछन् र माक्र्सको आधारशीलामा एउटा विकसित र समुन्नत सुखी समाजको निर्माण हुनेछ ।

Bangladesh burning


 _Chirayu Regmi


Bangladesh has been making headlines for months now. Bloody headlines, for all the wrong reasons. Some months ago there was a fire at a garment factory that took lives of more than 100 workers, and an investigation later suggested it was sabotage. Owners of the factory, failing to deliver the consignments on time decided to burn down their own factory, to save some money. And there was much hyped war crime trials that triggered great riots all over the country, for the prosecution of the convicts and against it. And more recently a building collapsed killing 1100 people- most tragic of the kind.  As of yesterday, there was a more vandal demonstration by radical Islamists demanding Shariha type laws and death for blasphemy- and so far 26 are dead already in this spring of riots.

Bangladesh is a small country, much like our own- but it is the most densely populated country in the world, with the population of about 160 million.Most of the people are poor, with greater segregation between filthy rich elites, and the Rikshwa pullers and day labourers occupying the lowest strata. But middle class population serve a great buffer, and it is this population that has helped this country become a rampant economy in last decade.

To understand Bangladesh, one needs to look at its traffic. It must be the most awful driving culture in the world, they drive fast and rash, not leaving an inch of space between the vehicles. Every single, and I literally mean every single vehicle has been scratched here and banged there. That’s how life is like in Bangladesh. Its harsh- you have to keep moving, struggle to survive. If you stop for a moment- either you are run down or you fall far behind. So everyone is in hurry, everyone is making plans- not of great amusements, but merely of survival.

When Radcliffe decided to draw lines between India and Pakistan, he had merely religious considerations. And thus, culturally immiscible Pathans, Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochs and muslim Bengalis (situated 1000 miles away) were made a single country- Pakistan. The ruler class in West Pakistan always suffered from superiority complex, regarding Benagali muslims as lesser kinds and though majority of the population lived in East, and they produced maximum revenues through glorious jute exports, the Bengalis had very little representation in civil administration or military.   Thus when Mohammad Ali Jinnahdeclared only and only Urdu would be the state language for whole Pakistan, the language loving population of erstwhile east Pakistan retaliated. The bhasha andolan that started in early fifties, and culminated into climax- the liberation war of 1971. People were already angry over decades of economic injustice and racial discrimination, and in November of 1970, a cyclone hit badly in the east. Central government in the West responded poorly to aid the victims. In the election that followed Awami League led by Seikh Mujib emerged as the biggest party, but Pakistani elites were reluctant to recede. Despite winning a clear majority AL was not allowed to form the government, so Bengalis had no choice but seek independence.In one of the bloodiest military suppression in history of mankind, where 3 millions are said to have been killed and as many as 4 hundred thousand women violated.Eventually, on 16th December, 1971 a new nation was formed, called Bangladesh.

And there were some Bangladeshi nationals who were loyal to Pakistani government. They helped find the educated men and women, hindu people and kill them. These people are called razakars– the betrayers. But strangely enough, they managed to bounce back to mainstream politics, and they now make a third largest party- called jaama e islami, with a strong student wing, called shibir. Suddenly, the government has decided to deliver justice that was long due- that’s what the war crime trials is about. And many people are not happy about it.

For the atrocities Pakistanis inflicted upon their people, one might assume there must be a strong anti Pakistani sentiment. But that’s not the case- which is vivid during notorious indo-pak cricket matches. There are die hard fans of Pakistani cricket- and usually they support the BNP and those in favour of India are sympathizers of Awami league, lead by the prime minister Seikh hasina. It had a landslide victory in last election. And in election before that, BNP had a similar victory. Bangladeshi public thinks shift in power is essential to keep things in balance. So the timing of war crime trials is very important. This has brought people with modern secular views and radical ideas into conflict. While majority is undecided and bear no sympathies to war criminals, they might have been meaning to vote for BNP, out of habit. Now cards are on the table and one has to choose sides- BNP, is still loyal to its long time aide jamaat, but as the cracks go deeper it has a huge risk of losing its moderate base. Because smart people (yes they are) of Bangladesh have seen what radicalization has done to Pakistan- bomb blasts are so frequent that they don’t make headlines anymore, a girl is shot for advocating education, US drones can come down to their villages to destroy homes and kill, with no questions asked.No party has ever won an election in a row, and it is really hard to tell from attack in Buddhist villages in Ramu to burning of temples in Tangail, which is orchestrated, which is spontaneous.

Bangladesh is a small country with big resources and bigger problems. They have mines to dig out natural gas, coals, numerous suitably situated sea ports, great beaches for tourism, well established universities in every corner of the country and rather unfair, cheapest work force in the world. Corruption is so deep rooted that it has become a culture, people do not ask questions anymore. Power is in the hands of two political parties, and people have no say. And its such an established system of impunity, common people, civic leaders have no voice or representation. Political prosecution, punishment transfers keep them at the bay.

One can’t help but compare. Our country’s small, not so many resources and perhaps smaller problems. We live in a secular society, in harmony with different ethnic communities. We have small population to feed and foster, suburbs that could become great cities, countless possibilities and people who can contribute immensely for country’s good. We do not have hard-line radical values that stop us from trying a something new. But the biggest distinction is, a common man can still make a lots of difference by his saying and doing, as long as he gets out of comfort zone of his humdrum life and decides that only problem this country has is its corrupt incompetent politicians and it is time we seek representation of people who are better qualified for the job. There’s a thin line between criticizing the netas at every social gathering to becoming, finding and supporting someone that the country needs. Or we can tuck ourselves in the cocoon of our own saliva and vomits, bear the filth and the odour, and look while the most imbecile of our kind take turns to loot the country, slowly poison our ears to communal hatred, and rule over us from their concrete castle of oligarchy. Like we have adjusted ourselves to 14 hours of load shedding, we will surrender to insecurities to life, we will manage with no jobs, we will comply with frauds and injustices in everyday life, we will grow sicker for mean hospitals and become dumber for bad schools. But we will adjust. And when our kids from future generation ask us, why our country is in such a bad shape, we will shamelessly answer, k garne yestai ho!

Writer is a medical doctor by profession and founder at Bibeksheek Nepali 😉

नेपालीको रगतमा के छ?

test tube

नेपालीको रगतमा के छ?


चिकित्सकको नाताले प्रत्येक दिन धेरै बिरामीहरुको रगतलाई नियालेर हेर्नु पर्छ- कति चिनी, कति चर्बी या कुनै जीवाणु, इत्यादी। मान्छे किन बिरामी पर्यो भनेर थाह पाउन प्राय हामी रगत जाँच  गर्न लगाउछौँ र रिपोर्टमा पाएको तथ्यलाई आधार मानेर उपचार गर्छौँ ।

राजनीतिक अस्थिरता, आर्थिक मन्दी, दण्डहीनता, असुरक्षा, ठप्प विकास निर्माण- यी सबै देशलाई सन्चो छैन भन्ने संकेतहरु हुन्। धेरै दिनदेखि थला परेको देश- हाम्रो नेपाल र हामी नेपालीको रगतमा के छ भनेर एकछिन गौंढ गरौ, किनभने राष्ट्रिय रोगको ठोस उपचार न अहिलेसम्मको कुनै ‘परम्परागत’ पद्दतिले गर्यो, न त ‘बन झाँक्री’ को ओखातिले नै बिसेक गर्यो । अब नाडी छामेर  उपचार खोज्नु पर्छ, आत्तिएर हुदैन, तातिएर हुदैन, पद र प्रभावले मात्तिएर त झन् हुदै हुदैन । नेपाली समाजको इतिहास, यसको बनावट र चरित्रलाई  नजिकबाट नियाल्ने हो भने धेरै कुराको जवाफ पाउन सकिन्छ।

सम्पूर्ण  भारत मुगल साम्राज्यद्वारा शासित थियो, तीन शताब्दी। बाबुरको सेनाले जित्नु भन्दा अघि पनि, भारतका हिन्दुहरुले लगातार अरबी, तुर्की र पर्सियन मुसलमान सेनाहरुको आक्रमण खप्नु परेको थियो। यो समयमा त्यहाँका ठुला मन्दिरहारु भत्काईए, माटोमा मिलाईए, धेरै हिन्दुहरु मरिए, आइमाईहरु लुटिए – र यो क्रम तबसम्म चलिरह्यो, जबसम्म उनीहरुले आफ्नो आस्था र सभ्यतालाई मुगल चरणमा अर्पण गरेनन । तक्श्यशिलाको आगोमा हिन्दुहरुको औतिज्य धेरै दिनसम्म जलीरह्यो । त्यसपछि आएका फिरंगीहरुले बरु यिनीहरुलाई राहत दिए- धार्मिक स्वतन्त्रता पाउने देखेर  भारतीय हिन्दुहरुले एककिसिमको ‘मुक्ति’ महसुस गरे, र धेरै ठाउँमा स्वागत पनि गरे । त्यसैले दुइ शताब्दीसम्म ‘ब्रिटिश राज’ मजैले चल्यो। तर धेरै समयसम्म औपनिवेशिकताको उकुसमुकुस र अमेरिका/अफ्रिका मा चलेको स्वतन्त्रताको हावा यता  पनि लाग्यो, र भेदभाव, असमानताले भुक्त  भारतीय उपमहदेशले स्वाधिनता खोज्यो, र पायो पनि । यसरि त्यो बेलाको भारतका जनताले  चरणबद्ध रुपमा धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक र आर्थिक शोषण भोग्नु पर्यो, जसले गर्दा त्यताका जनतामा राजनीतिक चेतना, परिपक्वता पैदा गरेको छ। जति अनपढ भए पनि, तिनीहरुलाई सहि र गलतको पहिचान छ, र अन्यायको बिरुद्धमा आवाज उठाउनु पर्छ, मौनता दासताको श्रोत हो भान्ने बुझेका छन्। ‘७१ को बंगलादेशको रक्तरान्जित इतिहास जसमा लाखौं मान्छे मारिए, र त्यस अघिको पाकिस्तानि आत्यचारले पनि त्यहाँका बीस करोड बंगालीलाई यहि पाठ सिकाएको छ। यो त्यहि चेतना हो जुन संसारभरि बर्गीय बितृष्णाले हेपिएर/खेदिएर यहुदीहरुले आफुमा बिकसित गरेका छन्- जसको रापमा सेकिएर उनीहरु आज धेरै सम्पन्न र शक्तिशाली भए।

नेपालीले यस्तो केहि भोग्नु परेन, त्यसैले त  नेपाल धनी बाबुको पुल्पुलिएको छोरो जस्तै  हो- नेपालीले सहि अर्थमा ‘दुख’ कहिलै गर्नु परेन। स्वाधीनता सुखी चिज हो, र संसारका प्रत्येक सुखले जस्तै, यसले नेपाली जनतालाई लाटो बनाएको छ, कमजोर बनाएको छ। यहाँका जनता चलाख  भएनन्, भविष्यलाई हेरेर हिसाब किताब गर्न, गलत कुरालाई गालत भन्न, बिरोध गर्न,  एकजुट हुन- यिनले जानेका छैनन् । नेपालीको मनमा भय र संकोच छ, किनभने उसलाई कतै बिरोध गरें भने आफूले पाइआएको सुख सुबिधा खोसिएला कि भन्ने डर छ। यो संकोचको श्रोत के हो भने, स्वाधीनता इत्यादी ऊसले आर्जेको होइन, उसले पाई आएको हो, जसमा बिजयको तिलक छैन, छ त केवल मेहेरवानीको मोहोर। त्यसैले ऊ सकभर चुप लगेर बस्न रुचाउछ।

दार्जेलीङलाई हेरौं, त्यहाँ बस्ने प्रबासी नेपालीहरुलाई। पारिजातदेखि वांग्देलसम्म, अरुणादेखि अनुराधासम्म, पत्रकार/ कलाकार, ककारभिट्टादेखि

काठमाडौँ हुदैँ कंचनपुरसम्मका बोर्डिंगका अब्बल मस्टरहरु- किन संख्यामा थोरै भएर पनि यी दार्जेलीङका हाम्रा गोत्यारहरुले यति धेरै विधाहरु ओगटेका छन/ चम्केका छन्  अनि आफु र नेपाललाई पनि समृद्ध बनाएका छन्? किनभने त्यहि  ‘नेपाली’ नेपालमा र सिमनापारिको त्यो जिल्लामा एकदम भिन्नै किसिमले हुर्क्यो बढ्यो- यता हुने खानेले दुख गर्दै गरेनन, बसीबसी बौद्धिक र दार्शनिक चिन्तनसम्म पनि गरेनन, र जो गरिब थिए, तिनले गरिबीलाई नै नियति ठानेर हुनेखानेको भरण पोषणमै जीवन यापन गरिदिए। यसरि ‘हुने’ र नहुने’हरु दुवै एक आपसमा सन्तुस्ट भएर बसे, निस्क्रिय। उता दार्जेलीङमा कामको चटारो हुँदो हो, यसै त परदेश, त्यसमाथि बंगाली र केहि बिहारीको प्रतिस्पर्धा, के काम गर्ने, कसरि कमाउने, कसरी आफुलाई काबिल बनाउने, सीप, ज्ञान,  कला, कौशल- कसरि यो बिदेशमा आफु नेपालीहरुको गरिमा र पहिचानलाई  उच्च राख्ने- यस्तै प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर खोज्दै गर्दा बनेका होलान ठूला ठूला कविहरु, कलाकार, समाजसेवी,रंगकर्मी। जब देश भित्रका नेपालीहरु अझै तँ  यो जात, म यो जात भन्दै राजनीति गरिरहेका छन्, उताका नेपाली दशैमा मस्त दौरा सुरवाल लगाउछन्, असारमा उत्साहका साथ भानु जयन्ति मनाउछन् । के नेवार, के लिम्बु, के क्षेत्री,के बाहुन, उता नेपाली हुन काफी छ ।

यो उदाहरण ‘नेपाली’ जाति फरक परिवेश र वातावरणमा कसरि एकदम वेग्लै किसिमले बिकसित हुन्छ भन्नलाई हो।


अब राम्रो कुरा पनि गरौँ । नेपालीको विशेषता के हो भने नेपाली बीर  थिए तर रक्तपिपासु थिएनन्, कहिले  भएनन्। नेपालीको मिजास ठण्डा छ, सरल छ जिन्दगि,मिलेर बस्न चाहन्छन्। उदाहरण- नेपालकै जस्तो जनसंख्या भएको देश, क्याम्बोडियामा दश वर्ष जनयुद्ध हुँदा २० लाख मान्छे मारिए । उस्तै जनसंख्या भएको अफ्रिकी मुलुक सुडानको द्वन्दमा त्यो भन्दा पनि बढिले ज्यान गुमाए।  नेपालमा पनि जनयुद्धको आगो पुरा एक दशकसम्म दन्कियो, सारा देश धेर थोर प्रभावित भयो, तर तथ्यांकलाई हेर्ने हो भने (केवल उदाहरणको खातिर, जनयुद्धमा मारिएका प्रत्येक मान्छेप्रति मेरो श्रद्धा छ, र मृत्युलाई अंकमा अनुवाद गर्न हुँदैन) नेपालमा १४ हजारले ज्यान गुमाए। भन्न खोजेको के भन्दा नेपालीले हिंसामा विश्वास गर्दैन- नेपाली सदभाव र शान्तिमा विश्वास गर्छ । नत्र संसारको कुनै कुनामा, टाउकोको मूल्य तोक्ने र तोकिएका टाउकाहरुले मिलेर शासनसत्ताको प्रजातान्त्रिक हनालुच गरेको उदहारण छ? गजब छ हाम्रो मानसिकता- अघि उल्लेख गरेको राजनीतिक अपरिपक्वताको शायद सुखद बाई -प्रडक्ट । हामी कट्टर छैनौ, अंग्रेजीमा भने जस्तै हामी ‘कुल’ छौ, बिन्दास छौ। त्यसैले त हामी माओबादीलाई, एमाले र कांग्रेस जस्तै ‘राजनीति’ गर्ने भए किन तेत्रो मान्छे मर्नु परेको भनेर पनि सोध्दैनौ, किनभने हामीलाई  लाग्छ त्यस्तो प्रश्नहरुले बखेडा झिक्न सक्छ। आखिर, सत्य भन्दा ‘शान्ति’ प्यारो हो, हामीलाई औलाको टुप्पोमा तराजु अड्याउने अभ्यास जो छ।

भरातले भर्खरै समलिंगीहरुबीच हुने सम्बन्धलाइ कानुनी रुपमा अवैध घोषित गर्यो । अमेरिका लगायत अरु पश्चिमी मुलुकहरु समेत यो सवालमा डरलाग्दोसँग विभाजित रहँदा, जुन देशले त्यो कुरालाई निर्बिरोध स्विकार्छ, त्यो देशलाई पक्कै उदार मान्न सकिन्छ। नेपालमा जातीयताको नाममा राजनीति गर्ने होड चलेको छ- त्यो गलत कुरा हो, त्यसको कुनै गतिलो आधार छैन । मैले नेपाली समाजमा केहि भेदभाव छैन भनेको होइन, तर जे जति छ, त्यसको स्थिति नाजुक छ र  धेरै दिनसम्म रहनेवाला छैन- त्यसलाई अतिरन्जित गर्नु हुँदैन, किनभने यथार्थ यो हो कि एउटा नेपालीले अर्को नेपालीलाई हेर्दा आफु सरह नै देख्छ। भर्खरै भएको चुनावको नतिजाले पनि यो तथ्यलाई प्रमाणित गर्छ।

समानुपातिकको उम्मेदवार नामावली पठाउन त एक हप्ताको समय ‘थप’ माग्ने राजनीतिक दलहरुले एक बर्समा संबिधान बनाउने छाठ देखिन्न । यो पटक पनि नेताहरु व्यक्तिगत र दलिय स्वार्थमै अल्झिनु भनेको जनमतको घोर अनादर हो। उनीहरु जनता अझै लाटा छन्, जे गरे पनि हुन्छ भन्ने सोचछन् र दिक्कलाग्दो हर्कतहरु गर्छन। तर जनतालाई यो अराजकता र कोलाहालकाबीच निस्पृह भएर मस्त निदाउने अवकाश छैन, किनकि उसलाई शहरको धुलाम्मे सडकमा, छिमेकीले कमाएको अवैध सम्पतिको तडकभडकमा, हलो नचलेर  बाझो भएको गाउको गैराखेतमा, ग्यास र पेट्रोलको आकासिदो रेटमा, जागिर खाने अफिसमा, छोराछोरीको बोर्डिंगको फिसमा, अस्पतालको शैयामा, सरकारी कारिन्दाको रवैयामा, सिन्डिकेटको कोचाकोच गाडीमा, अरबको पट्ट्यारलाग्दो  खाडीमा, अनि सांझ लोडशेडिङ्गको अध्यारोमा तरकारी पकाउदा- नुनको प्याकेटमा, र चाईनिज ज्याकेटमा समेत, राजनीतिको भुत आएर तर्साउछ। यो दुस्वप्नबाट अब जनतालाई जाग्नुछ  र आँखा मिच्दै ब्युझिएर ‘परम्परागत’ राजनीतिक दलहरुसंग, बितेका तीन दशकको हिसाब माग्नुछ। अब पनि गोटा चार एक ‘टाउके’ नेताहरुकै लोभ र लहडको भुमरीमा फसिरहादा देश, हामी चुपचाप मुकदर्शक मात्र बन्यौ  भने, हाम्रो रगतमा अलिअलि बाकी रहेको आत्मसम्मान र स्वाभिमानका श्वेत रक्तकोशीकाहरु ग्लानिले मर्नेछन् र देश गलत राजनीतिको दिर्घरोगले ग्रस्त हुनेछ।


डा.चिरायु रेग्मी

-चिरायु रेग्मी

Kathmandu, Syria and Olympics

Streets of Kathmandu were literally flooded by the evening downpour. And an impromptu had-taal in Koteshwor meant I had to walk back home and it turned somewhat interesting. Interesting because, I hadn’t walked down the road for a long time now.  One thing that I couldn’t help but notice is, all the gum boots are gone. I had a favourite pair when I was young and I used stroll feeling like an army man. Kids this generation are taller than we were. Hairstyles have changed. Pants look tighter. And slangs seem to come out easy, of every youngster’s mouth. Words we used to hesitate uttering are like part of the lingua franca now. Not so long ago.

And I thought the girls of our generation looked more beautiful, but maybe that is just ageing.

Out of habit, I flip over from news channel to news channel. Politics make a good deal of news in Nepal, almost all of it. Bad decisions by government, so frequent that none of them manage to garner the proper attention, or say criticism. And opposition relentlessly soliciting a share, a part in government as if it were a bumper car in a Disney land and it was their turn now, to bump the system, or say take people for a ride, pun intended.

Like insurgency once upon a time, rest of the nation is flooded. But it doesn’t quite affect Kathmandu. It is not right but it is so. This is a time of public apathy, from Guwhati molestation to Yue Yue’s run over in Foshan, China, it doesn’t really affect you until it comes to you. Our time is when the civilization has learned to tuck its tail between the legs and hide from tyranny. Because this is time when cons and cheats are revered as heroes in Bolywood flicks, promiscuity is a trend and conscience is big setback. Kathmandu is only dancing with the tunes.

Revolution is reverse of apathy. It is when people let go of their petty interests and fight for something bigger, better- collective good.

One who’s watching the Arab uprising closely can realise a definite pattern. In most of the cases, these nations from Tunisia to Syria in post colonial era struggled somewhat for stability, which they found in forms of Ben Ali or Mubarak or Gaddafi, good leaders and in long run dictators (terrible?). These leaderships not only brought economic and other forms of prosperity, they also ensured good deal of social equity in those Islamic nations. Problem was, they got corrupt and held onto the power for too long. But I can’t really comprehend why should it cost so many lives for a man to step down? And is it really worth it, when it is so infective after the revolution, there’s no clear cut leadership, and everyone wants a bigger piece of the kill. There is good chance that radicals take advantage. And good indication too, because for one, civilians can’t really fight against a well trained army with strong foundations. Another, where do they get all the fire power?

History kind of, repeats itself.

Reports say that a big chunk of freedom fighters in Syria learnt in Afghanistan, practiced in Libiya, to be able upset a full out Syrian assault. Thousands of civilians are killed in cross fire. It was different few weeks back when Russia and China vetoed, but everybody is reluctant to intervene now, because they are confused about the enemy. Should they fight alongside foes, just because Assad is a pro Russian?

Putin was in London to see a Judo final. Lucky for him, the Russian got the gold defeating the Mongolian champion, and by the looks of the events that followed, he didn’t have hard time convincing his British counterpart, about Syria. Looks like they are going to watch for a while, like they watch Rohingas in Myanmyar.

Watching Olympics is always intriguing. Nowhere else is more intense expression of emotions like in Olympics, happiness, disappointments, and the whole other drama.

Greek athlete Papachristou was disqualified for a racist tweet. So was a Swiss footballer. Strong stand against racism, appreciated. But International Olympic Committee that disqualified 8 badminton players; Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian for trying to lose,  did not feel obliged to do the same with English cyclist Philip Hindes who himself told in very clear words that he deliberately crashed to secure a restart. He eventually won the Gold.  IOC says because ‘audience was not deprived of a competition’, but the burden of guilt should lie more with Philip, who made a personal decision to ‘crash and restart’ than those Asian players, tipped to lose by their coaches. They were sent home, disgraced. I think this discrepancy in action by IOC is some kind of racist too.

And so it was when US swimming coach John Leonard accused Ye Shiwen, China of doping when she swam brilliantly to grab a Gold, knocking one second off the world record. Fielding only 54 athletes North Korea, gets 4 golds, and western media (likes of Huffington post) responds by telling it is because if they fail to win, they are sent to labor camps, that is why they get golds! Doesn’t that sound out right stupid? Twitter is full of similar allegations against China.

It is much like interpersonal relationship, how the countries interact with each other. If you are good, they will complain. If you are sad and suffering, they will pity upon you and if serves them right, they will even extend a helping hand. But creation or resurrection, both a country and a man has to do it on its/his own. Because afterall, we are master of our own destiny.


I see two options. One, existing political parties can exist, but their current leadership should step down and make their way to more versatile youngsters, who can plan, project, negotiate and work things out. It’d be humble for the old establishment to quit gracefully, but since it is unlikely, the young members of the parties, who have only followed the circulars so far, should realize its time for them to climb up the party hierarchy, and have their say, not just because their leaders have so far pimped their faiths and beliefs, but.. NO ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBER.